Athletes, companions, and elderly horses...

...there's a massage for every need
"Every 17 year old reining horse probably has their share of aches and pains. When this little gelding first started massages from Stephanie, he was a bit anxious and not wanting to be touched in certain areas. Now he lets those healing hands do their work and will often look like he's sleeping through his sessions. Thank you Stephanie for sharing your gifts and talent!"

- Joni Hensley

Let's stay in touch

Please contact me if you'd like to schedule a massage for your horse, or if you have any questions. I love listening to your feedback and reading your comments on my social media. If you like my content, follow me!

On my social networks, I talk about massage techniques and post cute pictures of animals. I occasionally promote events from my professional circles, such as fundraisers.

You can use the contact form to the left, or write to my email: